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Library--Fashion and Textiles Research Guide: Fashion Image Resources

Fashion Images from the NSCAD Library

The NSCAD Library provides images specifically related to fashion from a few resources.


ARTstor (Login Required) includes over a million art and design images, including thousands of costume and decorative arts images from a multitude of significant museum collections.

Bloomsbury Fashion Central

(Login Required)

You can find lots of information, images and ebooks about the history of fashion and textiles from the Bloomsbury Fashion Central site, which includes the full Berg Fashion Encyclopedia. The Berg Fashion Library includes a colour image bank of more than 13,000 images,

The Commercial Pattern Archive database, CoPA, provides a unique tool for researchers and designers to recreate or date clothing from 1847 to present.

Journals and Magazines:

Fashion Practice Journal

Fashion Theory Journal

Textile Journal

Museum Collections

Victoria & Albert Museum

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Kyoto Costume Institute

Museum at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology)

Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)

Manchester City Galleries

Fashion Image Links

Vogue Fashion show archive